
Documentation of the climate components.


The Climate cluster provides a series of components that calculate climate-related infomation and draw corresponding diagrams.

Component Usage

Please refer to the following sections for each component from this cluster.


Climate Evapotranspiration

This component provides an estimation of water information in the soil, such as the monthly evapotranspiration rate, based on the climate data of a particular location and soil information.

Potential Evapotranspiration

Potential evapotranspiration (PET) is defined as the amount of water that would transpire and evaporate if water is adequate Thornthwaite (1948). It's an important concept in fields like hydrology, agriculture, and climatology, used for various applications. These include estimating an area's water demand, determining irrigation needs for crops, and assessing drought conditions. It's important to note that PET is usually higher than or equal to actual evapotranspiration because it assumes a condition of abundant water.

PET is influenced by various factors including temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and more Allen (1998). Several methods are available for estimating PET, and their accuracy varies depending on the amount and type of input data required. For example, the FAO-Penman-Monteith method Allen (1998), considered the most precise, requires extensive data such as daily measurements of temperature, humidity, radiation, wind speed, and latitude. In contrast, the Thornthwaite method, while less accurate, only needs monthly mean temperature and latitude, making it simpler and less data-intensive. Due to its simplicity and minimal data requirements, the component utilizes the Thornthwaite method Thornthwaite (1948).

Component Mechanism

The interplay between precipitation and PET governs the water content and demand within the soil. When precipitation exceeds PET, excess water is absorbed and stored by the soil; if the soil becomes saturated, any additional water will run off and the actual evapotranspiration is equal to PET. Conversely, when precipitation is lower than PET, the soil releases its stored water for use. If this reserve is exhausted, the soil experiences water deficiency. In the deficit case, the actual evapotranspiration is equal to the sum of precipitation and current water reserve in the soil. This dynamic is visualized in the diagram on the left, as shown below from reference Thornthwaite (1948), and it represents the primary mechanism driving this component. Meanwhile, the diagram on the right schematically explains how various inputs influence the output parameters.



PrecipitationPNoMonthly precipitation at the given location.
TemperatureTNoMonthly average temperature (°C) at the given location.
LatitudeLatNoLatitude of the given location.
SoilInfosoilinfoNoInfo about the current soil based on given content ratio, using output from the Soil Analysis component.
SoilDepthsoilDepYesThe depth (m) of the target soil.
Potential Evapotranspiration (Corrected)PET.corrCorrected evapotranspiration (mm/month).
Actual EvapotranspirationETaReal evapotranspiration (mm/month).
SurplusSURThe water that is not evapotranspired or held in the soil (mm).
DeficitDEFThe difference between the maximum evapotranspiration and the water in the system (mm).
ReserveRESThe ammount of water reserved in the soil (mm).
MaxReservemaxRESThe maximum ammount of water can be reserved in the soil (mm). When this value is reached, the soil is fully saturated.
Example C1
Download the .csv file with the climate data used in this example here. Grasshopper plugins Pancake and Human are used for importing the data file and visulaize the diagram, respectively.demoET

Climate Gaussen Diagram

Bagnouls-Gaussen diagram provides a visual representation of a region's climate, focusing on the relationship between temperature and precipitation. This component can be used to automatically draw the Bagnouls-Gaussen diagram with given climate data.


PlaneplnYesThe plane to draw the diagram.
PrecipitationPrecYesPrecipitation (mm) of given location in 12 months.
TemperatureTempYesTemperature (°C) of given location in 12 months.
ScalesYesScale of the diagram.
FrameFThe Frame of the Gaussen diagram.
Temperature CurveTCThe temperature curve of the Gaussen diagram.
Precipitation CurvePCThe precipitation curve of the Gaussen diagram.
Label LocationTxtLocThe label location of the Gaussen diagram.
LabelTxtThe label text of the Gaussen diagram.
Example C2
Download the .csv file with the climate data used in this example here. Grasshopper plugins Pancake and Human are used for importing the data file and visulaize the diagram, respectively. D climateDemoGaussen


Allen, R. G. (1998). Crop evapotranspiration. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, 56, 60–64.
Melo, G. L. de, & Fernandes, A. L. (2012). Evaluation of empirical methods to estimate reference evapotranspiration in Uberaba, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Engenharia Agrı́cola, 32, 875–888.
Thornthwaite, C. W. (1948). An approach toward a rational classification of climate. Geographical Review, 38(1), 55–94.