
Documentation of the tree components.


The Tree cluster provides a series of components that generate parametric diagrams of multi-phased tree systems, both Unitary and Non-Unitary, based on the groundbreaking research in the stages of tree development. These components offer a powerful tool for understanding and visualizing the complex structures of trees, which have been the subject of extensive study in the field of arboriculture.

The study of the stages of the tree development has its roots in the pioneering work of Pierre Raimbault, who published a series of two seminal papers titled The management of ornamental trees Part 1 Raimbault et al. (1993), Part 2 Raimbault et al. (1995). These two papers laid the foundation for the analysis and diagnosis of the aerial parts of trees. Raimbault's work provided a framework for understanding the growth patterns and structural organization of trees, which has since been refined and expanded by subsequent researchers.

Building upon Raimbault's foundation, the most recent advances in the study of stages of tree development have been made by Christophe Drénou, whose research Drénou et al. (2015), Larrieu et al. (2022) represents the state-of-the-art in this field. Drénou's work has further developed the concept of different stages during tree's development and has provided new insights into the complex processes that shape tree growth and form.

This cluster incorporate the findings of both Raimbault and Drénou, allowing users to generate parametric diagrams based on two different architectural models: the Raimbault Model (10 phases) and the Drénou Model (4 key stages: young, adult, mature, senescent). These models provide a means of understanding and representing the multi-phased nature of tree growth, which involves the iterative development of new structural units over time.

Component Usage

Please refer to the following sections for each component from this cluster. While the information is not needed to generate the tree diagrams, information from the Soil, and Root clusters are required to complete the full diagram illustration.

tree img

Raimbault Model

This component is used to generate sectional tree diagrams based on the given plane, height and phase.


tree unitary


tree non-unitary

PlanePYesBase plane or planes in which the tree is drawn, the default value is World-XY unless specified.
HeightHNoInput parameter that controls the height of the drawn tree diagrams.
PhasephaseNoThe growth phase ( 1, 12 ) of the tree, allowing adjustment of the maturity of the tree.
CircumfrenceCCircumfrence ellipses that control the boundary of the tree.
TrunkTCurves that define the trunk of the tree.
CanopyCThe upper limit of the drawn branches of the tree.
SideBranchSBA list of curves that include branches that grow horizontally in respect to the tree trunk.
TopBranchTBA list of curves that grow from the upper portion of the trunk at different phases of tree growth.
BabyBranchBBA list of curves that are drawn to show the development of smaller branches in different phases of growth.
TreeInfoTinfoInformation about the growth of the tree that is used for tree root diagram generation.

Tree Growth Phases Diagramtree phasing

Forest 2D

The forest 2d section is an extension of the Raimbault model component, which allows for the automatic adjustment of each tree's width based on its proximity to neighboring trees. By modifying the spacing between trees within the Grasshopper file (.gh file), users can generate a diagram featuring a series of trees that are precisely adapted to their spatial relationships with one another. This extension leverages the capabilities of the tree component to create a more realistic and dynamic representation of a forest ecosystem.

tree forest

Example T1
This example demonstrates the usage of the Raimbault Model component to create 2D forest. Note that the examples uses component from the add-on Human to define the width of curves. Users can install this package via the PackageManager in Rhino. 2D forest

Drénou Model

This component is used to generate 3-dimension tree diagrams of the Drénou Model based on the given plane and other control parameters such as size, branch angle, and phase. Specifically, the phase parameter signifies the tree's growth stage and influences its overall shape. The components include 13 distinct phases, as detailed below.

tree 3d

PlanePYesBase plane(s) where the tree(s) is drawn.
GlobalScaleglobalSYesGlobal scale of the tree.
TrunkScaletrunkSYesTrunk scale of the tree.
SpreadAngleMainangMainYesSpread angle of the primary tree branches.
SpreadAngleTopangTopYesSpread angle of the secontary tree branches (the top part).
PhasephaseNoPhase of the tree's growth. Range: [1,13]. Typical Phase: 2, 8, 10, and 13.
SeedseedYesSeed for random number to varify the tree shape.
BranchRotationbrRotYesWhether to rotate the branches sequentially.
DuplicateNumberdupNumYesNumber of top side branches for duplicate branching. Range: [0,3].
TrunkTTree trunk curves.
SingleBranchSBTree side branch curves (non-split).
SplitBranchTBTree top branch and duplicated branch curves (splitted).
TreeInfoTInfoInformation about the tree.
Example T2
This example demonstrates the usage of the Drénou Model component to create and visualize multiple trees. 3D trees

Different Growth Phases Diagram

Youngyoung 1young 2young 3young 4
Adultadult 1adult 2adult 3adult 4adult 5
Maturemature 1mature 2
Senescentscene 1scene 2

Typical Growth Phases

typical phase

Forest 3D

This section is an extension of the Drénou Model component. The component is capable of processing multiple inputs simultaneously, enabling the generation of 3D trees in diverse phases and locations and the creation of 3D forest. It can automatically adjust the shape of each tree according to its distance from neighbouring trees.

forest 3d

Example T3
This example demonstrates the usage of the Drénou Model component to create forests from regular grisd points and random grid points. 3D trees

Tree Energy Canopy

This component uses the trunk and the branches of the 3D version of the Drénou Model to genereate the energy canopy that can be used for energy analaysis. It simply output a mesh-type water-tight volume that can be used as a "shade" for energy analysis software.

energy canopy

TrunkTNoTree trunk curves.
TrunkRadiusT-rYesTree trunk radius, for creating different sizes of trunks.
BranchesBNoTree branch curves.
EnergyVolumeEEnergy volume for energy analysis.


In energy analysis, tree crown density and foliage play key roles in blocking sunlight and heat from reaching the ground. To integrate this feature into the energy analysis, we rely on the control of the transmittance parameter of the canopy mesh in the anlysis software.

Alt text

Figure: A horse chestnut tree, shown with and without leaves. Adapted from Krause (2021).

A guidance for setting the transmittance value for direct solar radiation is given below Konarska et al. (2014):

Tree Crown StateRecommended Transsmittance ValueMean of Deciduous Trees
Foliated1.3% - 5.3%2.9%
Defoliated40.2% - 51.9%47.9%


Drénou, C., Bouvier, M., & Lemaire, J. (2015). The diagnostic method ARCHI applied on declining pedunculate oaks. Arboricultural Journal, 37(3), 166–179.
Konarska, J., Lindberg, F., Larsson, A., Thorsson, S., & Holmer, B. (2014). Transmissivity of solar radiation through crowns of single urban trees—application for outdoor thermal comfort modelling. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 117, 363–376.
Krause, P. (2021). Shade trees for better climate in buildings.
Larrieu, L., Courbaud, B., Drénou, C., Goulard, M., Bütler, R., Kozák, D., Kraus, D., Krumm, F., Lachat, T., Müller, J., & others. (2022). Perspectives: Key factors determining the presence of Tree-related Microhabitats: A synthesis of potential factors at site, stand and tree scales, with perspectives for further research. Forest Ecology and Management, 515, 120235.
Raimbault, P., Jonghe, F. de, Truan, R., & Tanguy, M. (1995). The management of ornamental trees. Part 2: management of the aerial parts: principles of modern long pruning. 47(1), 7–38.
Raimbault, P., Tanguy, M., & Bertrand, H. (1993). The management of ornamental trees. Part 1: Method of analysing and diagnosing the aerial part. 45(2), 97–117.