
Documentation of the soil components.

Soil Overview Image


The Soil cluster provides a series of components that define the basic characteristics of the soil (content ratio, water, organic matter), that calculate the water holding capacity based on the soil type, and that create parametric diagrams based on these information.

Soil Type

Soil types in BeingAliveLanguage are referenced from USDA soil texture classification system, which differentiates 12 soil types by the ratio of three primary particles: sand, silt and clay. The soil types are summarised in the textural triangle1 on the left.

Beyond the three particles, water, organic matter and air play a role in soil system as well. By specifying the soil type, the possible range of water content in a soil type can be estimated using existing research data, while organic matter content should be measured from field test considering its seasonal and regional variations. The following chart on the right shows available water in various soil types.

soil triangle img

Soil Content Representation

The soil contents are visualized in a unified triangle frame which is deliberately chosen for connection to USDA soil system and the preferable tessellation ability. The three primary particles - sand, silt, and clay - are represented with triangles of three sizes from large to small. Information about water content, including wilting point, current water stage, field capacity and saturation, is shown by triangles between the soil core triangle and outmost layer. The organic matter inside the soil, located at the outmost part of the soil, is illustrated by radial hatching.

soil content legend

Component Usage

Please refer to the following sections for each component from this cluster. Some of the components also generate required information for component usage in the Root and Climate cluster.


Soil Base

This component creates a triangle grid inside the given solid boundary.

BoundaryBoundNoA rectangular boundary curve of the soil.
ResolutionresNo# of vertical division for the soil grid.
ScalescaleYesIf true, the generated grids will be scaled to fill the boundary.
Soil BasesoilBaseThe initiated soil base, containing essential info for the soil/root computing.
Soil Base GridSoilTridCollection of all the curves in the soil grid.

Soil Analysis

This component defines the soil type and generates information of soil based on the ratio of the three soil contents.

Sand RatiorSandNoThe ratio [0, 1] of sand content in the soil.
Silt RatiorSiltNoThe ratio [0, 1] of silt content in the soil.
Clay RatiorClayNoThe ratio [0, 1] of clay content in the soil.
Soil InfosoilInfoInfo about the current soil based on given content ratio.

General Soil Separates

This component generates a soil map according soil base and soil contents. If rock curves are provided, the rock area will be bypassed.

The component takes a pre-generated soil base (a triangle map) and defined soil information to generate diagrams representing the soil composition. The locations of the different-size triangles are randomly distributed.

Optional rock curves can be added to generate a soil map that avoids the unfavoured area.

Soil BasesoilBaseNoThe soil base, using output from the Soil Base component.
Soil InfosoilInfoNoThe soil info, using optput from the Soil Analysis component.
RocksRYesCurves represendting the rocks in the soil.
seedsYesInteger seed for randomize the generated soil pattern.
stagetYesInteger stage index 1 - 8 representing the randomness of the soil separates that are gradually changed by the organic matter.
Sand TrianglesandTSand triangles.
Silt TrianglesiltTSilt triangles.
Clay TriangleclayTClay triangles.
All TrianglesoilTAll soil triangles.

General Soil Separates with Randomness Control

This component offers enhanced control over the randomness of the triangles' distribution. Given that the majority of the parameters align with those found in the General Soil Separates component, we will focus on introducing the additional stage parameter here, which is utilized to regulate the randomness.

stagetYesInteger stage index 1 - 8 representing the randomness of the soil separates that are gradually changed by the organic matter.
  • Randomness: Index 1 indicates a relatively even distribution with a low level of randomness, while index 8 represents highest level of randomness, shown in the following diagram.

  • State Preservation: Due to certain technical issues with 'Possion's Disk Sampling with Elimination'2, the state preservation with seed is currently unstable within this component. This instability implies that saving and reopening the file may result in changes of the distribution.
Example S1
This example demonstrates the usage of Soil Base, Soil Analysis, and Soil Separates components to create a specific soil contents.

Soil Compaction

This component generates diagram of soil compaction based on given the given compaction area and strength.

Soil compaction refers to 'the process in which a stress applied on soil causes densification as air is displaced from the pores between the soil grains'.3 The dynamics of compaction are influenced by many factors, such as soil water content, texture, and applied stress. Moreover, the severity of compaction diminishes with increasing depth, meaning surface soil tends to be more compacted than the soil at greater depths. This component models such phenomena and use inputs such as soil triangles, compacted depth, and stress strength to generate a corresponding compaction diagram.

Soil BasesoilBaseNoThe soil base, using output from the Soil Base component.
Soil TrianglesoilTriNoSoil triangles that represents the initial soil separates divsion, using the output parameter soilT from the General Soil Separates component.
Soil CoresoilCoreNoSoil core triangles that represents soil separates without any water, using the output parameter soilCore from the Soil Water Visualization component.
Current Water RatiorCurWaterYesThe current water ratio [0, 1] in the soil for visualization purposes.
Compact AreacpAreaNoCompaction area near the soil surface. Using lines or curves as the input.
Compact DepthcpDepthNoCompaction Depth, unit associated with Rhino's unit.
StrengthstrengthYesCompaction strength, range [0, 1] .
Soil Core CompactedsoilCoreCmpcSoil core separates after compaction.
Soil Current Water CompactedsoilCWCmpcWater content after compaction.
Soil Core Non-CompactedsoilCoreNonCmpcSoil core separates after compaction outside the compaction area.
Soil Current Water Non-CompactedsoilCWNonCmpcWater content after compaction outside the compaction area.
Affected BoundaryaffectedBoundBoundary of the affected soil after compaction..
  • Notes on Particle Collision: Since the component does not incorporate built-in collision detection, there is a possibility that particles may overlap with others. This scenario often arises when the Compact Depth parameter is set to a low value, while Strength is set high. In such instances, it is recommended to adjust these values accordingly.
    Another common collision scenario occurs at the boundary between compacted and non-compacted soil, specifically when only a portion of the soil has been compacted. To address this issue, some manual intervention may be required. For example, users could consider separating the boundaries of non-compacted part from the compacted part whening using Soil Base component and the General Soil Separates component to generate soil triangles.

Soil Water Visualization

This component generates a soil diagram with essential water information.

Taking defined soil information and desired soil triangles as inputs, the component generates five group of curves which stand for core triangles, wilting point triangles, field capacity triangles, saturation triangles and current water triangles.

Soil InfosoilInfoNoInfo about the current soil based on given content ratio, using output from the Soil Analysis component.
Soil TrianglesoilTNoSoil triangles that are used to visualize the water infomation, using output from any output of the soil content from the General Soil Separates component.
Current Water RatiorCurWaterYesThe current water ratio [0, 1] in the soil for visualization purposes.
Soil CoresoilCoreSoil core triangles that represents soil separates without any water, using the output parameter soilCore from the Soil Water Visualization component.
Wilting PointsoilWPSoil wilting point triangles.
Field CapacitysoilFCSoil field capacity triangles.
SaturationsoilSTSoil saturation triangles.
Current Water ContentsoilCWSoil current water triangles.

Soil Water Content Hatch

The hatch of different water content could be customized using outputs from Soil Water Visualization component and Pattern Hatch component embedded in Grasshopper. It is highly recommended to graft the triangles before linking to the hatch component, as this can speed up the operation considerably. If colorful pattern is favored, one could also consider creating nurbs surfaces from the triangles and coloring the surfaces.

Example S2
This example demonstrates the usage of Soil Compaction and Soil Water Visulization components to compact the soil and and visualize its water content.

Soil Organic Matter

To visualize the organic matter inside the soil, we differentiate the interior and surface organic matter:

  • interior organic matter: organic matter that exists inside the soil.
  • surface organic matter: organic matter that exists on the soil surface.

As in reality, organic matter from the top surface will gradually merge into the soil and increase interior organic matter near the top, users should adjust the density of the two parts so that the visualization delivers the correct information.

Soil Interior Organic Matter

This component generates the diagram of soil interior organic matter for the given soil base map.

Soil BaseSoilBaseNoThe soil base, using output from the Soil Base component.
Soil InfosoilInfoNoInfo about the current soil based on given content ratio, using output from the Soil Analysis component.
Soil TrisoilTNoSoil triangles, can be any or combined triangles of sand, silt, clay.
Organic Matter DensitydOrganicsYesDensity of organic matter [0, 1].
Organic Matter InnerOM-innerLine segments diagram as inner soil organic matter.
Organic Matter PropertyOM-propProperty of inner organic matter to generate top organic matter.

Soil Surface Organic Matter

As the diagram of the top surface is not related to the specific distribution of the soil content, organic matter in this realm can be generated independently without the specific information of soil content, we provide two components (dependent-version and independent-version) that work similarly to generate the diagram of the soil's surface organic matter:

dependent version

The dependent version (top) use output of from the component Soil Interior Organic Matter, so that the density of the two parts match automatically.

OM PropertyomPropNoThe organic matter property, using output from the Soil Interior Organic Matter component.
numLayernumLYes# of layers in the surface organic matter.
Organic Matter TopsoilOrgTopA diagram representing the organic matter on the soil surface.
independent version

The independent version (bottom) use the output from the component Soil Base, allowing the user to freely define the parameters.

Soil BasesoilBaseNoThe soil base, using output from the Soil Base component.
numLayernumLYes# of layers in the surface organic matter.
Organic Matter DensitydOrganicsYesDensity of organic matter [0, 1].
Organic Matter TopsoilOrgTopA diagram representing the organic matter on the soil surface.
OM SizeOM SizeS/M/LSize of organic matter triangles: S - small, M - middle, L - large.
Example S3
This example demonstrates the usage of Soil Interior Organic Matter and Soil Surface Organic Matter components to visualize organic matter.


  1. Soil Science Division Staff. 2017. Soil survey manual. C. Ditzler, K. Scheffe, and H.C. Monger (eds.). USDA Handbook 18. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
  2. Yuksel, C. (2015) ‘Sample elimination for generating Poisson disk sample sets’, Computer Graphics Forum, 34(2), pp. 25–32. doi:10.1111/cgf.12538.
  3. Understanding Soil Compaction – Field Crop News. (n.d.). Field Crop News - Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in Partnership With the University of Guelph.