
Documentation of the root components.


The Root cluster provides a series of components that draw parametric diagrams of multi-phased root systems, in both sectional and planar approaches, based on the given soil conditions.

The growing roots will also respond to different environmental conditions that are either benign or malignant. These conditions will accordingly either encourage or discourage the growth.

Similar to the reality, a root needs some soil to grow upon. To grow roots, the components require a soil map that utilize the information extracted from the Soil cluster.

Component Usage

Please refer to the following sections for each component from this cluster.

root img

Soil Map for Root

This component computes a soil map for root drawing. It does not generate a diagram, but generates a generic class that can be connected to the components.

soil map

PlanePYesThe base plane where the soil and roots exist, using Top as the default value.
Soil GeometrysoilGeoNoGeometric representation of the soil. For sectional soil, only triangles are considered; for planar soil, any tessellation or points are allowed.
SoilMapsMapThe output generic soil map, used as one of the inputs of the root drawing components.

Sectional Root

This component generates a sectional root diagram based on the given soil map, anchor point and root radius. Users can also specify the specific root topology. Due to the various stages of root growth this allows the user to control the number of levels roots will branch off of the primary or initial roots. For example the figure, from An Architectural Approach to the Comparative Ecology of Plant Root Systems1, below demonstrates both single level branching and multi level branching.

sectional reference

In addition to topological adjustments, users can adjust various variables to simulate the root's growing process with enabled environmental affectors, including both attracting factors (water, resource, etc.) and repelling factors (dryness, poison, etc.). If the environmental affectors are turned off, the root will branch out uniformly based on the given soil conditions.

Topological Brancing Multi Level

sectional multi

Topological Brancing Single Level

sectional single

Topological Brancing None

sectional none

SoilMapsMapNoThe generic soil map that contains the geometric information a root can grow on.
AnchorANoThe location near which a root start growing. The component will find the nearest on-map point to this anchor point.
StepsSNoThe growing steps of the root. This is used to control the depth of root growth incrementally.
BranchNnYesRoot branching number. Initial number of roots that branch from the anchor (n >= 2).
seedsYesInt seed to randomize the generated root pattern.
Env AttractorenvAYesA curve or list of curves that represent environmental attracting area. (water, resources, etc.)
Env ReppellerenvRYesA curve or list of curves that represent environmental repelling area. (dryness, poison, etc.)
Env DetectionRangeenvDYesThe range (to unit length of the grid) that a root can detect surrounding environment.
RootSec-Primaryroot-mainThe sectional root drawing for primary branches of the roots.
RootSec-Secondaryroot-restThe sectional root drawing for secondary elements, or elements that brach off the main roots.
Topological BranchingTopological BranchingNone/Level 1/Level 2The number of branching levels for roots off of the primary roots.
Example R1
This example demonstrates the usage of Sectional Root component to create sectional root drawings.
Natural Root Growth

The tree growth is guided by the points defined by the Soil Map component. By adjusting the grid points or adding additional points to the soil grid, the sectional root growth can be modified to deviate from the original grid. This adjustment allows the simulated roots to appear more natural and dynamic, as shown below.

natural root diagram

Example R2
This example demonstrates the adjustment of grid points and the generation of more natural sectional root.

Planar Root

This component generates a phased planar root diagram based on a given soil base. Users can adjust various variables to simulate the root's growing process with enabled environmental affectors, including both attracting factors (water, resource, etc.) and repelling factors (dryness, poison, etc.).

If the environmental affectors are turned off, the root will branch out uniformly to all directions.

root planar

Root Growth Phases Diagramroot phases

SoilMapsMapNoThe generic soil map that contains the geometric information a root can grow on.
AnchorANoThe location near which a root start growing.
ScaleSNoRoot scaling to match the root size with the soil size.
PhasePNoThe growth phase ( 1, 5 ) of the root, allowing adjustment of the maturity of the root.
Division NumdivNNoThe number of branches grown from the root centre.
Env AttractorenvAYesEnvironmental attracting area (water, resource, etc.).
Env RepellerenvRYesEnvironmental repelling area (dryness, poison, etc.).
Env DetectionRangeenvDYesThe range (to unit length of the grid) that a root can detect surrounding environment.
"EnvAffector Toggle"envToggleYesToggle the affects caused by environmental factors. Default value false.
RootPlanarrootALlThe planar root drawing, collection of all level branches.
RootPlanarLevel-1rootLv1Level 1 root components.
RootPlanarLevel-2rootLv2Level 2 root components.
RootPlanarLevel-3rootLv3Level 3 root components.
RootPlanarLevel-4rootLv4Level 4 root components.
RootPlanarLevel-5rootLv5Level 5 root components.
RootPlanarAbsorbrootAbsorbAbsorbent roots.
Example R3
This example demonstrates the usage of Planar Root component to create planar root drawings.

Tree Root

This component is used to generate sectional diagrams of tree root systems based on their height and phase. The component requires inputs from a soil map and tree component to compute the diagrams.

tree root

Tree Root Growth Phases Diagram

tree root diagram

TreeInfotInfoNoThe tree info output from the tree component, used to generate the roots diagram
SoilMapsMapNoThe output generic soil map, used as one of the inputs of the root drawing components.
All RootsrootAllThe sectional root drawing, collection of all level branches.
RootMainrootMPrimary root components of roots grown in previous the phase.
RootNewrootNSecondary root components and new roots grown in current phase.
Dead RootsrootDDead roots in later phases of a tree's life.


  1. Fitter, A. H. "An architectural approach to the comparative ecology of plant root systems." New phytologist 106 (1987): 61-77.