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The Climate cluster provides a series of components that calculate climate-related infomation and draw corresponding diagrams.

Component Usage

Please refer to the following sections for each component from this cluster.


Climate Evapotranspiration

This component provides an estimation of water information in the soil, such as the monthly evapotranspiration rate, based on the climate data of a particular location and soil information.

Parameter Abbreviation I/O Optional Explanation
Precipitation P No Monthly precipitation at the given location.
Temperature T No Monthly average temperature (°C) at the given location.
Latitude Lat No Latitude of the given location.
SoilInfo soilinfo No Info about the current soil based on given content ratio, using output from the Soil Analysis component.
SoilDepth soilDep Yes The depth (m) of the target soil.
Potential Evapotranspiration (Corrected) PET.corr Corrected evapotranspiration (mm/month).
Actual Evapotranspiration ETa Real evapotranspiration (mm/month).
Surplus SUR The water that is not evapotranspired or held in the soil (mm).
Deficit DEF The difference between the maximum evapotranspiration and the water in the system (mm).
Reserve RES The ammount of water reserved in the soil (mm).
MaxReserve maxRES The maximum ammount of water can be reserved in the soil (mm). When this value is reached, the soil is fully saturated.

Climate Gaussen Diagram

Bagnouls-Gaussen diagram provides a visual representation of a region's climate, focusing on the relationship between temperature and precipitation. This component can be used to automatically draw the Bagnouls-Gaussen diagram with given climate data.

Parameter Abbreviation I/O Optional Explanation
Plane pln Yes The plane to draw the diagram.
Precipitation Prec Yes Precipitation (mm) of given location in 12 months.
Temperature Temp Yes Temperature (°C) of given location in 12 months.
Scale s Yes Scale of the diagram.
Frame F The Frame of the Gaussen diagram.
Temperature Curve TC The temperature curve of the Gaussen diagram.
Precipitation Curve PC The precipitation curve of the Gaussen diagram.
Label Location TxtLoc The label location of the Gaussen diagram.
Label Txt The label text of the Gaussen diagram.
  • Notes: This component primarily generates the basic framework and curves for Guassen diagram, allowing users the flexibility to customize its style. To create a fully-styled diagram, additional components that define specific styles must be integrated. For guidance on this process, please refer to our example in the Demo file section.

Demo File

The Evapotranspiration Demo (.gh file) is a grasshopper file that shows the use of Climate Evapotranspiration component. Please see the documentation section for more details.

The Guassen Diagram Demo (.gh file) is a grasshopper file demonstrating how to generate a Gaussen diagram. Note that this example uses components from the Human to define the width of curves. Users can install this package via the PackageManager in Rhino.